Markets Your Competitors Refuse to Serve


How surprised would you be to learn that your competitors refuse to offer products & services customers highly demand. And even more surprising they say it right on their website.

Discover how to read competitor’s websites to find high profit zero competition new products you can monopolize. Talk about leaving money on the table. Your competitors are throwing it in the trash and lighting it on fire. You can snatch that money and shove it in your pockets. You can win the customers they turn away and build a lasting profitable relationship.

Exposing something so silly your competitors are doing sounds great. And it is great, unless you are the silly person. If you’re rejecting customers that is terrifying. If you are telling potential customers you refuse to give them what they really want you need to fix that NOW!

This LIVE 2-hour hands-on webinar workshop shows you:

  • Where to look for products & services competitors refuse to offer
  • How to read the website to recognize these hidden opportunities
  • Quick technique to make those “rejected ideas” highly profitable for YOU

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How surprised would you be to learn that your competitors refuse to offer products & services customers highly demand. And even more surprising they say it right on their website.

Discover how to read competitor’s websites to find high profit zero competition new products you can monopolize. Talk about leaving money on the table. Your competitors are throwing it in the trash and lighting it on fire. You can snatch that money and shove it in your pockets. You can win the customers they turn away and build a lasting profitable relationship.

Exposing something so silly your competitors are doing sounds great. And it is great, unless you are the silly person. If you're rejecting customers that is terrifying. If you are telling potential customers you refuse to give them what they really want you need to fix that NOW!

This LIVE 2-hour hands-on webinar workshop shows you:

  • Where to look for products & services competitors refuse to offer
  • How to read the website to recognize these hidden opportunities
  • Quick technique to make those "rejected ideas" highly profitable for YOU

Your own company is your class project. Create your own startup idea. Walk through step-by-step to find your very own untapped an opportunity. Even if your competition doesn't have a website you can use these techniques to find what your competition refuses to give customers. Also see how you might be slamming the door in customers' faces without knowing it. More importantly how to open the doors wide so they will throw money at you.

By the end of the workshop you'll have at least one product or service idea your competitors refuse to deliver. You can also continually find more ideas for you to monopolize because your competitors refuse to satisfy customers' desires. They falsely believe they "can't" so they accidentally tell customers "we won't." Predictive Innovation has many super powerful ways to solve seemingly unsolvable problems so you turn their can't into I WILL!

Zero boring theory. Learn by doing it yourself. This technique was created by a student of Predictive Innovation and he found 7 new profitable products & services. He was so excited he called me to say how he was using Predictive Innovation to change his business & life. He went from hopeful goals of $100,000 per year to aiming for $1,000,000. It was like, "the sky opened up and light shined on a pot of gold only he could see. He just needed to read out and grab it".


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