5. Prerequisites

There are several concepts that are helpful to understand in order to get the most out of Predictive Innovation. This section covers these concepts.

Functional Distinctions

You've probably seen products with long lists of features that don't have much value for the primary function of the product. Some products have differences in the primary function but the differences are so small it doesn't matter. Even large differences that don't relate to the purpose of the product do not mean much to users. The important differences are those that noticeably affect the function. These are Functional Distinctions.

The purpose and the result determine Functional Distinctions. The intended goal of using the product determines which functions it must perform.

For a product that is used by blind people, the color does not matter. However, if the product is used by blind people to show sighted people they are blind, such as a white cane with a red tip, color is very important.


Sometimes the amount causes a Functional Distinction. More or less of the same thing often doesn't have a significant effect but there can be differences of amount that cause a functional difference.

Water is a requirement of life but if you have too much you can die. Same thing with heat. Too little heat and you freeze to death, too hot and you burn. There are many Functional Distinctions of scale in science. Water below 0°C freezes and is a solid. Between 0°C and 100° C water is a liquid. Over 100°C water is a gas. Solids, liquids, and gasses each have very different properties and function differently.

Chapter 4Chapter 6

Predictive Innovation: Core Skills — Acknowledgments

Predictive Innovation: Core Skills -- Acknowledgments

My unending gratitude goes to Len Kaplan for wisdom, hard work, and dedication in developing Predictive Innovation. It is the result of his life-long work, which he has not received the credit nor reward he greatly deserves.

Thanks to my Grandmother Martha who, when I was 5 and begged to learn how to read, taught me the system of sounding out the letters. That insight started me on seeking the system behind everything.

Also gratitude to my parents for allowing me the freedom to pursue a real education without school. Without that freedom I would never have gained the knowledge or retained the sanity needed to produce anything of value.

Predictive Innovation incorporates discoveries from very many people who refused to conform and looked for the elegant system responsible for the amazing complexity of the universe. I encourage you to explore their works to help you expand your abilities with Predictive Innovation.

W. Edwards Deming, Statistical Process Control; Genrich Altshuller, TRIZ; Fritz Zwicky, Morphological Analysis; Claude Shannon, Information Theory; Alan Turing, Computational Completeness; Benoit Mandelbrot, Fractals; John Nash, Game Theory; Richard Bandler, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP); all my associates at Apple and everyone else who contributed to Agile; and the entire Open Source Community.

Table of Contents Chapter 2